
Elisa Hansen

Fitness, Rebounding, Boxing, Stretch and Release, Dance

Hi, I’m Elisa. I love instructing at Coco Ella. Having a supportive group of women, all committed to their own and each other’s health and well being, is very special. I instruct fitness, rebounding, boxing, stretch and release, and belly dance. I get really excited seeing Cocos extend their fitness and reach their goals over time – whether they be to improve strength, posture, and heart health; ease migraines, back and neck pain; recover from injury, physical or mental illness; or to socialise and have fun.

Outside of Coco Ella, I am a writer and belly dance performer. Like instructing, performing belly dance allows me to share joy. I am fortunate to be a healthy and happy person, and believe that sharing this with others is my purpose in life. Whilst a lot of my work is physical, I also like to keep my mind active and inspired. I love creative writing and learning languages.

Overall, I believe that my life is all about experiences – the richer and more diverse my experiences, the more fulfilled I will be. I used to be obsessed with travelling, hugely influenced by this belief, and had a compulsion for new challenges. These days, I’m loving being in Melbourne – aren’t we lucky to live in such an incredible city?

Other things I love are being in nature, painting, and puppies.

If you see me around, be sure to say hi.